Tengah search UDM or Kustem if they offer electronic engineering degree (mana tahu nak balik Trg ke).... pastu terjumpa ayah nye page...
Ayah baru dilantik jadi Head of Department (HoD) of AGRICULTURE SCIENCE...
Ni webpage ayah http://www.agrotechnology.udm.edu.my/academia/hasbullah.htm
Saja share ngan pembaca... :)
ps : iskk, anak dia tak habis2 lagi phd ni....
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hasbullah Hj Muhammad, Assoc Prof Dr
BAgricSc (UPMalaysia), MSc (Hawaii), PhD (Wales)
6 09 627 5626
6 09 627 5574
University Teaching
AHS 3171 Agrotechnology of Vegetable Crops
ACS 4133 Crop Protection II
Research Interest
Integrated Pest management System
Insect mass rearing for beneficial purposes (Protein source, silkworm)
Integrated farming practices.
Selected Publications
Hasbullah, H.M.,Symondson,W.O.C and Peter,M.C. 2003. Biological control of psyllid pests of box plant (Buxus sempervirens). 6th International Conference On Plant Protection in The Tropic. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia . 11-14 August 2003.
Hasbullah, H.M.. 2002. Artificial refugia for an European Earwigs Forficula auricularia L (Dermaptera : Forficulinidae). Plant Health conference, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 19-20 March 2002.
Hasbullah,H.M. 2002. Some effects of Nosema meslini Paillot (Microsporida : Nosematidae) in adults Pieris rapae (L.) ( Lepidoptera : Pieridae). 3rd international conference on biopesticides 22-26 April 2002. Malaysian plant protection society. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 22-26 April 2002.
Hasbullah, H.M. 1999. Biological control on the phylloplane. Integrated Pest management Review 1(2) 112.
McEwen P K, Baker M, Muhammad H, Symondson W O C. 1997. Psyllids (Psylloidea:Homoptera) attacking box (Buxus sempervirens) in the South of England. Antenna. October 1997, 21(4) 200-201 (Cardiff).
Last update: 2009 Aug 10
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
1 comment:
ur abah mmg sorg ketua y sangat bagus n dedikasi pada kerja n staf nyer. smoga ur abah akan trus berkhidmat u mbimbing kami2 staf yg baru di sini
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