kalu video atas tu tak jalan, sila klik sini
Cuba tengok at the end, a small girl tells her story, not able to play with the necklace and rings her mother bought her, to enjoy the sunglasses that her father gave her...a plight of a small girl...just like other small girls who wants to play, dont really understand what is happening...just like our little girls...
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
best lagu ni.First time dengar,biasa dengar yg Michael Heart tu.
But then sy rasa budak2 Palestine ni lagi mature/sangat matured la dr Muslim kids yg lain because of the pressure they got split them from Hedonism world like any other Muslims kids does experience.But then root of the thing is guidance la kot...
kanak2 palestin lagi cepat matang dengan kesusahan hidup...kita pun macam tu, kalau hidup senang memanjang, kita tak kisah apa, jadi cam kanak2...tapi kalau hidup banyak dugaan kita akan gunakan semua resources kita utk keluar drp kesusahan tersebut...
Yep again, kanak2 mesia yg di pamper lebih2, or even yg umo 9-15 tahun tu kat mesia cam iman kata tahu nak berseronok sahaja, mana ada nak fikir nak jadi muhajid/mijahidah bela agama tercinta..
Yea and again...balik kepada apa yg ibu bapa sogokkan kepada anak2 tersebut..basically apa tarbiyyah yg mereka lalui dalam hidup mrk...
Harap2 kita tak make the same mistake..ameen
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