Sambungan daripada Part I,
On air
Soon after receiving the flight tickets, I flew back home....sepanjang perjalanan di atas udara, tak henti-henti berdoa moga Allah tunjukkan jalan...sangat takut sekiranya keputusan yang dibuat bukanlah yang terbaik di dunia mahupun di akhirat (plus takut juga nak jumpa this man and how i would react to it!)...
I just knew during my journey that I can ask from the stewardess for a place to pray...(oh yes, i flew with MAS at that time) she showed me a small space to pray...alangkah leganya, i felt extremely relief coz I can put my head on the floor and really really ask Allah for guidance and calmness of my heart...Subhanallah, I can feel this joyness in the of being able to worship the Creator of the Universe while literally flying on the air....air mataku terus menerus berderai....
Somehow I have this feeling that Allah will help me...
Arriving in KLIA
Sesampainya di airport, terus ambil beg dan sangat excited nak berjumpa ibu bapa dan adik beradik tercinta....Bila sahaja keluar dari pintu arrival tu, I can see my little brother waiving at me, and then I saw him there waiting for me as well...aduss..I thought, why is he here? I felt really really shy and I decided to ignore him from that moment onwards,hehe (self defence mechanism kicks in) sepanjang perjalanan dari KLIA ke rumah, I chatted with everybody except of him...what an incredibly awkward situation!
In my parents house
Everybody seems like they have known Abang yusof for a long la, he has been living in the house for nearly a week...i felt really awkward coz I continued to ignore him...imagine there is a man that you never seen in your life, staying in your house and wanting to marry you...Kesian gak kat Abang Yusof, but I can't help myself, i was extremely shy...I think my parents understand why I behave like so...I don't normally chat with men, and if I do, it is usually important or formal things...I think my parents most probably amazed at Abang Yusof who dares to ask the hand in marriage of her 'strict' daughter :)
Abang Yusof told me (after our marriage of course) that during his stay in my parents house, he was bombarded with all sorts of questions... especially from my mother was worried that golongan 'ustaz'-ustaz ni, berfikiran kuno, tak tahu perkembangan semasa dan terlalu strict...antara soalan2 yg diberikan ialah, apa pendapat Abang Yusof tentang apa yang berlaku di afganistan, his view on the current affairs in the world, and Malaysian politics....kelakar lak rasa, cam kene interview habis...oh yes, my Tok and makcik pun have their shares, they asked Abang Yusof all sorts of soalan agama (al maklum in our family takde lagi yang blaja agama sampai ke Al Azhar :P )
I think Abang Yusof passed the interview with flying colours since I can see Tok spending her time more with Abang Yusof rather than me! And mak pulak kasi green light to him to proceed....Ayah since the first phone call, dah lama lembut hati...iskk...
Akhirnya, after one day ignoring him, Mak called me and Abang Yusof to the living room...and told us to talk to each other...silence...nobody has anything to talk, out of sheer shyness....I told Mak that I dont have anything to say...and then my mother dunno what else to do, quickly rang my father who was away for work...'Abang, apa kita nak buat ni? Budak dua orang ni tak nak bercakap' ...
With Ayah and the decision
Keesokannya, ayah balik drp outstation...Ayah masa tu sangat sibuk, and time was very tight for ayah panggil me and Abang Yusof again to discuss... takut betul masa tu coz ayah sgt strict...duduk-duduk je terus ayah tanya...dah tu camana ni? Dua-dua senyap...pastu ayah tanya direct, jadi tak nak kawin ni? Ayoo... ayah pandang pada Abang Yusof...Abang Yusof tanpa malu2 jawab, iya (iskk ustaz ni , dalam hati).... Pastu ayah looked at me... Fadzlin...camne, nak kawin ke tak? Ayooooo again....masa tu cam takleh fikir dah (walaupun dah berjuta kali buat istikharah..hancuss)...firstly soalannya terlalu direct, secondly, depan lelaki ni pulak tu, takkan nak jawab tak nak... Nak tak nak dengan kebekuan otak masa tu, instictly jawab OK...(takut gak kene marah ngan ayah, hehe )
Pastu ayah kata...ok kalau macam tu buat apa tunggu lama-lama nikah je la terus...jap ayah buka diary...isnin ni ayah free (that was tuesday's night), leh nikah masa tu...GULP...ayah ni biar benar...but i know ayah very well, he meant what he said...
so we have 5 days to prepare for the nikah....
Bersambung lagi...
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
fuhh...inilah kisah yg paling mantap saya pernah dengar.Org lain ada jg kenal dr jauh atau lepas jadi nak kawin, tunang dulu.Ni terus 5days after.MashaAllah..kuasa Tuhan..
Suka saya dengar citer akak sbb pening jg pasal istikharah.
Tapi saya suka kesungguhan Ustaz.Tu la lelaki sejati.Kalau betul suka lautan api sanggup ku redahi.Bukan redah hindustan.Redah beretika Muslim sejati.
Masuk le meminang, ask for marriage as that's the true love.Jumpa family.Harap2 bakal suami saya(wlpn still xtau sape lg) pun ada kesungguhan dan keikhlasan mcm ustaz
teringin gak nk komen wpun banyak bnde nk pkir..
betul ckp iman, mmg saya pon rasa mantap...tak taula kalo sy kt tmpt akak cmtu..=p
yup kesungguhan itu ayah n mak saya..lagi 2 weeks ayah sy nk terbang g uk..sbb sungguh2 trus je masuk jumpa atuk saya..=p
mmg short notice gaklaa..
thnx for the dua' kak!=)(dlm komen lepas)
To Iman : Ameen to your doas :)
To Ely : Kalau dah jodoh, dah ditetapkan oleh Allah sejak azali, tiada apa di dunia ini yang dapat menghalangnya... :)
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