Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Our Baitul Muslim - Part Akhir

Sambungan drp part II,

Setelah ditentukan tarikh pernikahan tersebut, me and Abang Yusof's days suddenly were hectic...Dalam 5 hari ni, kene check darah untuk ujian HIV (masa tu Selangor baru je meluluskan yang sesiapa nak kawin di Selangor perlukan di HIV check), kene bersiap apa2 yg patut dan juga pergi kursus kahwin! Masa undergrad dulu pernah dah pergi kursus kawin tapinya tak amik sijil, sebab lupa no. kad pengenalan...jadinya kene la pergi kursus kawin sekali lagi...

Getting Married in 5 days

Hari pertama selepas 'the decision' , ayah angkut kami berdua ke pejabat agama di kajang untuk dapatkan borang2 yang sepatutnya...ayah terpaksa membawa kami ke hulu ke hilir almaklum, dua-dua takde kereta (kami student je masa tu)...seusainya dapatkan borang nikah segala, ayah bawa kami ke hospital di seri kembangan untuk ambil darah (utk check HIV)...masa tu sempat la borak sket ngan Abang Yusof...sebenarnya i was still in shock with yesterday's decision, cam tak masuk kepala lagi yang sebenarnya akan menjadi isteri orang dah dalam beberapa hari lagi....

Hari Khamis dan Jumaat di habiskan dengan membeli apa2 yang patut...tak beli apa pun, pegi beli tudung putih...baju nikah? Baju nikah pakai yang mak sedara masa nikah dia...she was married maybe 10 years already, but the white baju kurung can fit me...tapi old fashion lah, ada ropol2 kat bahu..huhuhu...tapi pada masa itu baju is the least important thing in my mind...

Kursus Kahwin

Hari Sabtu dan Ahad di habiskan ke kursus kahwin, alhamdulillah la pegi kursus yg dua hari sahaja, dengar cerita masa tu ada gak kursus kahwin yang more than 2 days...kursus kahwin tu kat tengah bandar KL, dekat2 puduraya...keseluruhan kursus kahwin tu ok la, cumanya sangat sakit jiwa dengan lawak-lawak bodoh yang di kemukakan...tak faham betul, kenapa la kursus kahwin kat Malaysia kene di campuri unsur2 'kotor'..masa pegi kursus kahwin kat UK, takde pun lawak2 sebegitu...tapi nak buat camne, nak kan sijil tu maka bersabar je la...kalau kita bersuara lagi teruk kena dengan penceramah tu...

Usually to get the marriage course certificate, will take a few days or even a week for them to post it to the participants...tapi kami mana nak dapat tunggu beberapa hari tu, so terpaksa la pergi ke pengurus kursus tu dan bagitahu yang kami memerlukan surat yang mengesahkan kami telah tamat kursus itu dan membolehkan kami kahwin...alasannya abang yusof and myself masing2 nak kene balik mesir dan UK utk menyambung pelajaran... pada sesi akhir kursus tersebut siap kena perli lagi, katanya, kepada mereka yang tak sabar-sabar nak kawin sila ambil surat pengesahan di meja pendaftaran :P (sabo je la)

Tok Kadi

Akhirnya tiba lah hari isnin itu...banyak benda tak setel lagi...rupanya tok kadi pun tak sure dapat datang ke tak malam tu (kami plannya nikah selepas maghrib)...jadi seawal pagi kami ke Shah Alam, untuk menyerahkan borang2 nikah plus, tunggu lama juga kat situ, habis kat situ, kami terpaksa mencari tok kadi...ayoo..kami siap pergi ke rumah tok kadi yg duduk di kawasan rumah pangsa di seri kembangan dan tengok2 isteri dia kata dia takde kat umah, dia tengah bekerja di sekolah....pergi pulak la ke sekolah tu, akhirnya Abang Yusof jumpa tok kadi tersebut dan minta pengesahan boleh tak beliau hadir malam tersebut...Alhamdulillah Allah mudahkan bila tok kadi kata boleh, malam itu beliau takde program....

The Nikah

Tiba lah masa yang di jangkakan itu....

To be honest, sepanjang 5 hari tersebut mmg berperang dengan perasaan (syaitan ketika ini akan berusaha bersungguh2 utk menggagalkan pembinaan masjid ini) ...but as I told in my writings earlier, everytime...i mean everytime solat istikharah mesti rasa tenang, tak kira la solat istikharah tu kat rumah ke, kat atas plane ke, even solat kat surau SOGO pun rasa tenang...hehe....tapi lepas beberapa jam, timbul perasaan ragu2 semula...cepat betul syaitan-syaitan ni bertindak...ermm..

sampaikan one time, cam decided tak nak kawin sbb tak dapat nak grasp seme benda yg berlaku dengan sangat cepat...tak berani bagitahu ayah, so bgtahu Mak je...Mak dah tak tahu nak buat apa, siap marah Abang Yusof lagi in case Abang Yusof buat apa2 kat anak dia...hehe (sian abg yusof)...akhirnya ayah tahu...once more ayah called me.. i still remember it was at night and in front of our house (near the gate as we want to talk far enuf that Abang Yusof won't hear us)...ayah kata betul ke tak jadi kawin ni? I was too afraid and didn't answer... then Ayah said (which i will never forget)..."Dah buat istikharah tak sebelum ni masa decide nak kawin?" I replied, dah....Ayah dengan nada yang tegas said "Kalau dah istikharah dan dah dapat jawapan dia, kene berpegang dengan jawapan tu, mana boleh main2...dah la minta Allah tunjukkan the right thing to do, tapi lepas tu decide tak nak ikut...Kalau dah dapat jawapan istikharah even sekali pun stick to it and then need to firmly believe that it is Allah's answer to what is best for you"(not his exact words but with the same meaning)... tergamam dengar what Ayah said, it really knocked real senses into me, and since that moment ,whatever feelings merapu dalam kepala dan yang pikir macam2, i just shoved it away...and believe that Allah has guide me to marry him for He knows what is the best for me dunya and akhirah...

The moment

With dua lafaz, (dua lafaz sebab lafaz pertama Abang Yusof sebut N.F bin Hasbullah, bukan binti..hehe)..akhirnya....termetrai la ikatan janji yg sah antara kami...the majlis was really simple...i wore baju kurung Cik La and Abang Yusof wore baju melayu given by Ayah Zul (my bapa saudara) ...the nikah was done with very minimal mas kahwin n hantaran...

Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud:

" Sebaik-baik maskahwin ialah yang lebih rendah ". ( Riwayat Abu Daud )

Dan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud:

" Sesungguhnya yang besar berkat nikah ialah yang sederhana belanjanya ". ( Riwayat Ahmad )

Only close relatives came and a few of my very close friends..

Before the nikah, right after solat maghrib, I made a special solat hajat.... I asked Allah to make my heart tranquil and I also ask Allah to remove any feelings during the nikah, as I dont want to suddenly scream and run away :P....but Subhanallah, Allah the Most Compassionate granted exactly my wishes... masa akad nikah tu and during the whole process, I didn't feel a thing!! Ada sedara ni tanya, nampak Kak Lin cool je, takde la emosional nangis ke, gembira ke...hehhee...indeed everything is from Allah...Everything is from Allah...

Post Nikah

Lepas kawin baru lah I have the chance to get to know my husband...indahnya bercinta lepas kahwin..sebab semuanya halal...leh gi dating kat tasik berdua, main bowling berdua, nak main sms2 pun semenya halal :)...I married him solely for the sake of Allah...and I relied totally to Allah to guide and ease everything if it is good for me..and all praise to Allah, He never left me alone...I have never 'bercinta' before marriage so I cannot compare which one is nicer, bercinta sebelum or selepas kahwin..but my dear readers, trust me, there is nothing in this world that is joyous and most fulfilling in the heart except for when you do something that pleases Allah, the owner of this entire universe...keseronokan yang melampaui batasan deen itu hanyalah keseronokan sementara yg hanya sesaat tetapi dosanya di tanggung hingga ke akhirat...

Side track jap..ada cerita kelakar sket, after nikah, I had to take another week extra cuti to spend time with my beloved husband...as we need the time to really get to know each other, so, I texted my supervisor to tell him that I am married...he didn't reply, but when I came back to UK, one of the student asked me if I was really married, and I replied yes...he said, it was funny as it took my supervisor one whole week untuk menerima hakikat that I was already married...in his world, this kind of marriage can never ever happen....until this happened to me, I too was suspicious..

But now I learn one very important lesson...Wa makaru, wa makarAllah...wAllahu khairul maakireen...they, we, anybody can plot or dream anything and Allah has His plans too..but yet, in the end, Allah is the best plotter .....

Moga tulisan penulis yg tak seberapa ni akan menjadi manfaat buat antum semua...Kalau ada silap dan salah, segala kekurangan harap maafkan... InshaAllah in the next entry, I will list down all the possible lessons to be learned from this piece of our lives...

Monday, 23 February 2009

Our Baitul Muslim - PART II

Sambungan daripada Part I,

On air

Soon after receiving the flight tickets, I flew back home....sepanjang perjalanan di atas udara, tak henti-henti berdoa moga Allah tunjukkan jalan...sangat takut sekiranya keputusan yang dibuat bukanlah yang terbaik di dunia mahupun di akhirat (plus takut juga nak jumpa this man and how i would react to it!)...

I just knew during my journey that I can ask from the stewardess for a place to pray...(oh yes, i flew with MAS at that time)...so she showed me a small space to pray...alangkah leganya, i felt extremely relief coz I can put my head on the floor and really really ask Allah for guidance and calmness of my heart...Subhanallah, I can feel this joyness in the heart...joy of being able to worship the Creator of the Universe while literally flying on the air....air mataku terus menerus berderai....

Somehow I have this feeling that Allah will help me...

Arriving in KLIA

Sesampainya di airport, terus ambil beg dan sangat excited nak berjumpa ibu bapa dan adik beradik tercinta....Bila sahaja keluar dari pintu arrival tu, I can see my little brother waiving at me, and then I saw him there waiting for me as well...aduss..I thought, why is he here? I felt really really shy and I decided to ignore him from that moment onwards,hehe (self defence mechanism kicks in)....so sepanjang perjalanan dari KLIA ke rumah, I chatted with everybody except of him...what an incredibly awkward situation!

In my parents house

Everybody seems like they have known Abang yusof for a long time...ye la, he has been living in the house for nearly a week...i felt really awkward coz I continued to ignore him...imagine there is a man that you never seen in your life, staying in your house and wanting to marry you...Kesian gak kat Abang Yusof, but I can't help myself, i was extremely shy...I think my parents understand why I behave like so...I don't normally chat with men, and if I do, it is usually important or formal things...I think my parents most probably amazed at Abang Yusof who dares to ask the hand in marriage of her 'strict' daughter :)

Abang Yusof told me (after our marriage of course) that during his stay in my parents house, he was bombarded with all sorts of questions... especially from my mom...hehe..my mother was worried that golongan 'ustaz'-ustaz ni, berfikiran kuno, tak tahu perkembangan semasa dan terlalu strict...antara soalan2 yg diberikan ialah, apa pendapat Abang Yusof tentang apa yang berlaku di afganistan, his view on the current affairs in the world, and Malaysian politics....kelakar lak rasa, cam kene interview habis...oh yes, my Tok and makcik pun have their shares, they asked Abang Yusof all sorts of soalan agama (al maklum in our family takde lagi yang blaja agama sampai ke Al Azhar :P )

I think Abang Yusof passed the interview with flying colours since I can see Tok spending her time more with Abang Yusof rather than me! And mak pulak kasi green light to him to proceed....Ayah since the first phone call, dah lama lembut hati...iskk...

Akhirnya, after one day ignoring him, Mak called me and Abang Yusof to the living room...and told us to talk to each other...silence...nobody has anything to talk, out of sheer shyness....I told Mak that I dont have anything to say...and then my mother dunno what else to do, quickly rang my father who was away for work...'Abang, apa kita nak buat ni? Budak dua orang ni tak nak bercakap' ...

With Ayah and the decision

Keesokannya, ayah balik drp outstation...Ayah masa tu sangat sibuk, and time was very tight for him...so ayah panggil me and Abang Yusof again to discuss... takut betul masa tu coz ayah sgt strict...duduk-duduk je terus ayah tanya...dah tu camana ni? Dua-dua senyap...pastu ayah tanya direct, jadi tak nak kawin ni? Ayoo... ayah pandang pada Abang Yusof...Abang Yusof tanpa malu2 jawab, iya (iskk ustaz ni , dalam hati).... Pastu ayah looked at me... Fadzlin...camne, nak kawin ke tak? Ayooooo again....masa tu cam takleh fikir dah (walaupun dah berjuta kali buat istikharah..hancuss)...firstly soalannya terlalu direct, secondly, depan lelaki ni pulak tu, takkan nak jawab tak nak... Nak tak nak dengan kebekuan otak masa tu, instictly jawab OK...(takut gak kene marah ngan ayah, hehe )

Pastu ayah kata...ok kalau macam tu buat apa tunggu lama-lama nikah je la terus...jap ayah buka diary...isnin ni ayah free (that was tuesday's night), leh nikah masa tu...GULP...ayah ni biar benar...but i know ayah very well, he meant what he said...

so we have 5 days to prepare for the nikah....

Bersambung lagi...

Friday, 20 February 2009

Our Baitul Muslim - PART I

Seperti yang dijanji kan...and with Abang Yusof's approval....I will tell our story of love...you might ask, kenapa nak cite perkahwinan sendiri, cam orang lain tak de yg kahwin ke..hehe..but I hope by sharing this story will maybe help others in their quests in fulfilling half of the deen, dan juga semoga kita semua dapat amik yang baik sebagai pengajaran dan yang buruk sebagai pengajaran, inshaAllah...

I also thought that our story is unique and before this happened, penulis tak sangka it will or can happen at all to herself, but now, the author learned and believed that if Allah wills, anything can happen...

Maaf seperti biasa tulisan campur english and malay, out of kelemahan penulis untuk menulis full in malay...

Background cerita kami

Kami dikenalkan oleh pihak ketiga....jadinya, i dont really kenal abang yusof, never ever seen him in my entire life before...i know that he is a student in Al Azhar University and he joins usrah over there...that is about as much as I know of him...and from our correspondence with emails, i also know that he is a very quiet and skema person...hehe (jangan marah,abang ;-) ) After a few more correspondence, I learned that our background is very different...he lived in Sabah, and he is not even a malay, he is a Bajau, and his family lifestyle is really different than mine, they live very modestly and had to work hard since a child, while for me, alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us with many blessings....so there we were...

At first, i didnt feel interested as much, due to ALL of our differences ..but later on, Allah has opened my heart to do istikharah, so I did.... perhaps Allah will guide me to a closure on this matter....and miraculously, everytime after solah istikharah, i felt that calmness and serenity...but again my brain took over the heart (or is it syaitan) and starts calculating all the differences that we had, and so, in the end, I decided to 'test' him..

The test

Oh by the way, all the while, Abang Yusof mmg lama dah determine nak kahwin, dunno la, from what he told me after we got married, he did istikharah and immediately feels and determined that I am the one for him (he decided well before he saw my picture)...so memang tak jadi masalah on his part...the problem was from my side...iskk...

At that time Abang Yusof was still in Egypt, and the flight ticket to go back to Malaysia was not cheap, plus considering he was studying with his own money, and no scholarship... oh ye, gambar disebelah is the first picture that he gave me...hensem gak la :), that was him in his house in Tanta...

Anyway, I told abang yusof that if he really wants to get married to me, he should first call my father...(for your information, my father is very strict aka garang...bertempat la of course, anak2 semua hormat pada dia, so, it will be a tough challenge for anybody to talk to my dad at that time)...plus my father pernah refuse a hand in marriage from another al azhar student....lagi la challenging for abg yusof...

So, I gave him my father's phone number, and I told him that if my father says OK, we can proceed...abang yusof yang pemalu ni berkobar2 and rang my dad...surpisingly, my father lembut hati pulak...boleh chat lama2...at that time i was thinking, doa apa la ustaz ni duk baca...hehehe

Syaitan still plays tricks on me... dia tu cam ni lah, cam tu lah etc etc... but everytime (honestly)..everytime solat istikharah mesti rasa aman dan tenteram, tak pernah felt like that before..cuma lepas beberapa jam, syaitan cucuk balik...so, i decided to test him again...(iskk, mesti org pikir jahatnye makcik ni...well...that was what I can think of at that time)...

I told him that if he is serious, he need to come to my house in Selangor and meet my parents...if they are happy with him, i will just follow (masa tu tak leh fikir secara waras dah, banyak sgt cucukan syaitan yg menghasut berfikiran secara duniawi)...but there is no assurance that they will accept him or I will accept him...just have to do it and see....

Amazingly, abang yusof gather the money and balik Malaysia....(I thought if not serious, dia akan kata tak worth ke, apa ke)....sampai di KLIA my parents jemput abang yusof...dah siap2 bagi gambar kat ayah, so that mereka tahu mana satu abang yusof....

His courage and my family

Since ambil kat KLIA, abang yusof stayed in my parents house for maybe seminggu...(imagine duk ngan rumah orang yg tak dikenali, dan juga berniat nak kahwin ngan anak tuan rumah tu)...disebabkan at that time he has no relatives in selangor...

But of course my family, is a hospitable family...mereka layan abang yusof seeloknya, very welcoming....cuma kelakar la a bit, ayah masa tu tak henti2 amik gamba abang yusof ...susun abang yusof berdiri ngan adik beradik lain...and sent all the pictures to me by email since I was still in UK and i have never seen this man face to face... its just that in my family semua tinggi2...in fact i was the shortest, after my mom...hehe...

Coming back to me, I always have difficulties in making decision of my life, normally I will just ask my parents to decide for me, coz its very easy, and am sure, they will really think hard of what is best for their daughter...so I told my dad, if ayah dan mak suka, kak lin ikut je...dan ketika itulah, my dad scolded me and said...we cannot determine the future for you, you need to decide, and you cannot decide until you have met the man face to face (as per sunnah to see the person you want to get married beforehand)....I still remember, my dad even said to me...this is more important that the phD, this will be your life, until the end of breath and till the hereafter...

I told my dad to say to abang yusof that i will give my decision when i come back for raya in 2 months time (sbb dh beli tiket dah nak balik raya)... tapi ayah, again scolded me...he said, mana boleh buat ustaz tu tertunggu2 camtu, dahlah dia duduk rumah kita dah dekat seminggu, kene bagi keputusan secepat mungkin..tak baik menzalimi orang...he told me to go back to malaysia ASAP...

So...the next thing i knew, i rushed to buy flight tickets to Malaysia...kelam kabut...akhirnya dapat the next day nye flight...haru biru time tu ngan kene amik tiket kat kedai cina di manchester la (alhamdulillah ada maziah who accompany me during the haru biru time...hehe, thanks)...dan akhirnya... i was on the flight back to Malaysia...


ps: inshaAllah in the end, akan di ringkaskan of all the lessons we can learn from this piece of our lives..

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Saatnya untuk menikah...

Tetiba lepas terjumpa artikel bertajuk seperti diatas, di dakwah.info... terasa nak menulis bab ni pula...

Realitinya, manusia fitrahnya berpasang-pasangan....begitu cantiknya Islam yg meraikan fitrah manusia dan menggalakkan penganut2nya untuk berpasangan secara sah dan halal...bukan seperti agama-agama lain yg memberi syarat untuk lebih dekat dengan Tuhan untuk meninggalkan SEMUA perkara yg berkaitan dengan nafsu...termasuk halangan untuk mempunyai ikatan dengan opposite gender...

Dalam surah ar-Rum ayat 21, Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud:

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah ialah Dia telah menciptakan untuk mu isteri-isteri supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya; dan dijadikannya antara kamu rasa kasih sayang."

Lepas tu, datang the next important question, who should I get married to? Bagi yang masih muda dan single, mesti ada terfikir, who will my Mr. Right be?
Begitu juga dengan yang teruna, akan termimpi-mimpi siapakah gadis pilihan yang akan mengisi jiwa yang kosong ini..pelbagai ideal fizikal dan karakter akan muncul dalam benak kita...apa tidaknya..kita di sogokkan dengan paparan Mr. Right and Beauty queen dalam filem-filem Hollywood yang kita tengok...kita impikan pasangan seperti didalam filem-filem itu...

Tapi, wahai adik-adikku,

Filem Hollywood itu bukanlah realiti, dan juga personaliti-personaliti yang di tonjolkan indah sekali didalam tayangan mereka tidak akan menjamin kebahagiaan yang kita cari....percayalah yang kebahagiaan yang kita selalu mimpi-mimpikan akan tercapai hanya dengan mendengar nasihat yang menciptakan kita, yang mengetahui hati budi manusia seluruhnya...

Melalui kekasihNya, kita tahu bahawa ...

Sabda baginda rasulullah : “Dinikahi wanita itu kerana empat perkara iaitu kerana hartanya, kerana keturunannya, kerana kecantikkannya dan kerana agamanya maka pilihlah yang beragama kelak kamu akan beruntung” (hadis sahih riwayat bukhari dan muslim).

Jadi karakter2 impian kita yang paling pentingnya ialah si dia yang beragama...yang berpegang teguh dengan deennya, walau pun datang ribut melanda...jika syaitan berjaya mengusiknya, si dia yang mempunyai iman akan dapat di nasihati dengan ayat-ayat Tuhannya, dengan nasihat-nasihat ar-rasul junjungannya...maka pastinya, itulah jaminan yang terindah sekali...

Tidak guna, wajahnya seayu bidadari dunia, lemah lembut dengan potongan badan yang menarik seklai...tidak guna juga si teruna yang kacak tidak terkira, memiliki harta melimpah ruah, pandai sungguh berkata-kata dan mengambil hati....Tidak berguna semuanya itu jika si dia itu tiada iman yg teguh...pada ketika glitches happen in the marriage, wajahnya tidak akan kelihatan begitu ayu, kepetahan kata-katanya boleh membawa kepada sakit hati, hartanya hanya menimbulkan sengketa....tetapi, dengan iman yang kukuh, pastinya, si dia akan berlaku adil dan penuh kasih sayang kepada kita kerana itu adalah ajaran deennya...

Bagi yang sedang memilih, sedang membuat keputusan, ikuti lah nasihat PenciptaMu, sudah pasti kamu tidakkan akan sesekali rugi.....

Dan inshaAllah jika menikahnya kerana Tuhannya, pada saat itulah isterimu menjadi bidadari dunia buatmu, dan suamimu lah yang paling hensem di dunia buatmu :)

ps: inshaAllah ada masa, penulis akan kongsi cerita nikahnya...Getting Married in 5 days ;-)

Monday, 16 February 2009


Just a short entry for today, to share my discussion with Prof. david today ...(for you who is guessing, yes, he is my supervisor)

He said, the british are not intelligent as in they know everything...but they know what to ask, i.e. asking the right questions...

And he further commented on us , the asians who don't know what to ask, or asking not the right question..

So, what is the right question...from my understanding, the right questions are questions leading to the understanding a matter/situation/subjects.

How to get this? i think it is by training...training ourselves to be critical...sometimes, kita tanya juga soalan, tapi kengkadang tu soalan yg tak membawa kemana...atau soalan yg terlalu general yang tak menjurus kepada pemahaman sesuatu subjek itu...

Kadang-kadang kita melayu ni malas nak pikir...biarlah...tak yah fikirlah...letak ketepi lah...tapi we should train ourselves to think....kadang2 tu memang susah nak start ajar diri ni berfikir, lagi la kalau subjek tu berat... tapi its a good training..sbb by asking the right questions, will lead us to the right answer, inshaAllah...

okla, tu aje buat hari ni... kesimpulannya jangan malu2 bertanya...tapi dalam Islam, bertanya pada tempatnya, tak yah tanya soalan2 yg mmg kita takkan dpt jawapannya ..contoh, wajah Allah tu camana, tangan Allah tu besar ke...tapi tanyalah soalan, besar mana kehebatan Allah tu? ) jawapan lihat pada kehebatan alam ciptaanNya..etc etc...

Gambar hiasan di ambil dari sini.

Lagu rasmi Terengganu (Terengganu state anthem)

Saja nak share lagu terengganu...ingat lagi masa kecik2 dulu nyanyi lagu ni kat sekolah rendah (sek. red. sultan sulaiman I), pastu sekolah menengah lak (sek. men. (A) sheikh abdul malek...lepas tu melarikan diri ke perak pulak....so tak dah nyanyi lagu ni...

Masa dolu2 duk nyanyi tu ada gak fikir, wah dengan menyanyi lagu ni sama mendoakan sultan terengganu tu...bestnya dia ramai org doakan..kanak2 yg innocent plak tu...hehe

Cumanya nak relate sket ngan zaman kita ada sistem khalifah dolu2...i remember ada ustaz ni bgtahu, dia penah jumpa dalam kitab lama2 kat kampung2 di malaysia tu, bila bab khutbah, ada gak mendoakan kesejahteraan khalifah yg nun jauh di Turki dan mereka tak pernah tgk pun...tv pun takde time tu...hebatnya kerajaan time tu, seme rakyat bersatu dibawah khalifah yg satu...
and kalau ada negara Islam yg ditindas pastinya khalifah ini akan melakukan sesuatu untuk menolong...

Hari ini? wanita2 di bosnia di rogol, tiada siapa yg ambil endah, kanak2 islam di bunuh merata2 di palestin, tiada suatu kuasa dunia melancarkan perang pada zionis yg jahat itu... umat Islam di Chehnya yg terpaksa keluar merempat di negara2 jiran, tiada pemimpin dunia yg menjemput mrk bernaung di bawah kerajaannya....

Alangkah indahnya jika kita punya pemimpin itu...sistem khalifah yg sangat penting yg para sahabat semuanya sangat memahami bab ni, sehinggakan jasad rasulullah s.a.w yg wafat di tangguhkan dulu dan di buat meeting tergempar dahulu utk memilih khalifah, ketua yg akan memimpin umat Islam sedunia....

Namun realitinya kini...kita hidup di dunia tanpa khalifah itu...dan kita masih dapat bersuka-suka, berpoya-poya menikmati hidup ini...dasyat betul kita ini, tidak memahami ajaran Islam sebagaimana yg difahami oleh generasi sahabat2 yg telah dijanjikan Rasulullah, the best generation! Dasyat, sungguh dasyat... hidup utk sekadar hidup...

Sepatutnya kita tak boleh duduk diam, bak kata orang panas punggung...mesti cari jalan keluar daripada belenggu ini! Perlu ada usaha untuk mengembalikan balik khilafah islamiyah,tak kira apa jua cara, berusrah, bermabit, berceramah, bekerja secara kolektif....moga seperti lagu pada entry sebelum ini.....Islam akan kembali gemilang...Allahu Akbar!

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Cita-cita Ku

ps: minat lagu ni...buat sahabat2 semua...hayatilah liriknya...terserempak dengan nasyid ni kat satu blog student upm

cita-citaku islam gemilang
cita-citaku daulahnya berulang
cita-citaku islam cemerlang
cita-citaku islam tinggi menjulang

kawan mari susun barisan
kita mara ke hadapan
mari berjuangkan islam
kita tagih yang dijanjikan

kawan mari kumpulkan tenaga
kita korbankan harta punya
jangan kita buang rasa percuma

kawan mari kumpulkan tenaga
kita korbankan harta punya
berjuangkan hingga berjaya

kawan jangan tunggu² lagi
jangan berangan² yang merugi
dunia menipu kita hindarkan
cita² islam kita tunaikan

ayuh mari mara kehadapan
jangan buang masa lagi
inilah masanya tunjukkan bukti

ayuh mari mara kehadapan
jangan buang masa lagi
kalau benar cintakan islam

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Valentine's day - what is your say?

Semalam tgk bbc news, and at the end of the news, tetiba dia tunjuk gambar trace of tyres on the icy road yang berbentuk love...then the presenter said ' Happy Valentine's Day'...oo barulah aku teringat yg esok (yakni hari ini) 14th February....

Aku assume semua yg baca blog ni tahu pasal cite Valentine's Day and apakah hukumnya meraikannya...tapi kengkadang manusia ni tahu...tahu banyak perkara..tapi sendiri decide nak ignore perkara tersebut...atau pun berkata, ikut suka ati aku laa....

Anyway, alhamdulillah, ramai dah yang semakin sedar dan meninggalkan terus meraikan hari ini... jadi tak perlu lah aku tulis banyak2...

Cumanya, tadi buka bbc news nye website...ada cam poll yang tanya pendapat readers tentang " What Does Valentine's Day means to you?" Jadi banyakla respon2 drp manusia seluruh UK dan ada gak di luar UK...

What BBC wrote in the poll :

Sales of flowers and chocolates are expected to rise as romantics celebrate Valentine’s Day. How will you spend this special day?

Originally a pagan festival, Valentine’s Day is now seen as a day for people to offer gifts to the one they love.

Many also consider it an opportunity to propose marriage to that special person.

However, there are concerns that the day has become an excuse for florists, card shops and restaurants to hike up their prices.

Will you celebrate Valentine’s Day? If so, how? Or do you think that the day has become too commercialised and now has no meaning?

Menarik gak la baca comment2 pembaca...and i think rata2 org putih pun dh tak kesah dah ngan valentine day ni...(semalam bbc news juga report, sheffield adalah city yg paling sedikit beli bunga di seluruh Yorkshire ni..hehe)....jadi kesianlah kat org2 Islam kita di Malaysia or di mana2 yang masih meraikan hari ini....

Antara komen2 menarik :

It used to be innocent fun years ago...an anonymous card, a bunch of flowers or a quiet meal in a favourite restaurant. Then came the vulgar outsize cards and other cheap looking over-priced tat.

My husband regularly gives me flowers and we say "I love you" every day so Valentine's Day is a non event for us.

[mrsbuddles], New Milton, United Kingdom

Commercialised rubbish

[johnilmalin1], Edinburgh, United Kingdom


Susan Lange, Leeds

My parents never celebrated St Valentines Day so far as I knew, no cards, chocs or flowers, but they are still together and happy after 52 years!

jenny, Exeter

It`s a pagan festival. Nuff said, another commercialised nothing...

Harry Houdini

Valentine's Day means nothing but an ordinary day like very other day to me. Why should people wait for just one day in the year to dramatize "love" or "affection" when these fine attributes should be hardwired and exhibited spontaneously? I'll love you today because it’s V-Day and go back to hurting you tomorrow. Yo right somebody give me a break.

Gerald Alor, Leicester

So kesimpulannya....balik pada Islam:

1) Cinta Allah

2) Cinta Rasulullah

Kemudian cinta seseorang kerana Allah...cinta ibu bapa kerana Allah, cinta suami/isteri kerana Allah, cinta sahabat2 krn Allah....

Di setiap saat, setiap detik, setiap nafas yg di sedut....inshaAllah

Friday, 13 February 2009

Palestine oh Palestine

Assalamualaikum wr wbt,

Just terasa nak share
experience doktor-doktor MERCY yang pergi ke near Palestine border...moga sama2 manfaat...

point yg paling besar...i think is...

in our own sweet ways)

Ana Muslim


Aslm w.w.
The following is a life experience of Dr. Jeffrey. Please pray everyday that you grow up to be a Mujahid/ah Dr. and not fear death to serve the ummah. Allah has blessed us with good Drs. and brothers and sisters in Gaza. Please have in your heart always, that we will win soon.
When I wanted to cross the borders in Rafah, the brothers inside reminded me that the borders will be destroyed soon and we will be able to enter and exit as we wish.... Please say Ameen to this blessed doa.
Allahuakbar !!!

Dr. Abdul Latiff (ayah tikah sheffield :-) )



Dear friends,

It is now 4 days since we returned from our trip to Gaza /Cairo. Have been awaiting my respected elders/colleagues) to input first but since there appears none forthcoming, I will write my thoughts and experience and humbly request them to correct or input as necessary. (Pleae note These are my own personal views and do not represent any organisation including MERCY Malaysia. Please forward with discretion )

We left on a MERCY Malaysia mission on the 27th of January ( 8days after unilateral truce by Israel) after filling up our wills in sealed envelopes. Sent off by The MERCY office team,Dr Faizal Perdaus (acting Prez MERCY) our families and Dr Musa (x prez PPIM). The team consisted of Prof Hatta Shahrom (x PPIM president), Dr Fauziah Hassan (O&G, APSH,x treasurer,MERCY Malaysia), Dr Norherah, (Family practitioner) , Ms Reem Bashir( a sudanese psychologist) . After a 12 hour flight, 2 hrs stop ( no deplane in mumbai) we arrived in Cairo at 5 am on the 28th. Immediate briefing and off we were to the Rafah border about 4 hrs away except our driver got lost and we got a free tour of the sinai and the Suez canal. We finally reached the Rafah Egyptian border crossing at 430 pm. After 40 mins (which is like a record ,as most people who try to get into Gaza never manage to, and those who do wait hours to days on end, many leave for home with just having seen this border crossing.) we were through Egyptian Immigration. We praise Allah for everything.

We entered Gaza with the Azan of magrib at abt 530pm with the MERCY logistics officer En Hapis. On hand to greet us were Dr Ikram (Anaes Lecturer CUCMS) and Dr Al Amin(Surgeon Tawakal) who were the initial team in.(they had come in the day of the truce or just after). We proceeded to Palestinian immigration and were welcomed warmly. Prof Hatta even managed to get a soda from one of the officers. We then went to our lodgings and met the previous team under Dr Heng.,Drs Lai, Azlina, Asmarawati, Khairol, Shamsul.

Dr Azhar Abdul Aziz (x VP MERCY )who had come with the Qatar team was also there. I had tried to meet him in Kl last summer but Allah planned for us to meet in war torn Gaza.

We had been assigned to Nasser hospital,in Khan Younis, 20 mins north of Rafah, named after the Egytian prez who had funded it. 300 bed and handled 500 patients during the Israeli aggression. Some department good, most run down. Many equipment down as no spare parts allowed in and no maintenance. The only equipment working in physiotherapy was the manual one and one traction. The rest were all broken down. The ECG, EST machines etc were ancient. Dr Fauziah,Dr Norhera surved the OG departemt and other O&G hospitals and saw areas that needed improvement. Prof Hatta and Ms Reem were taken on trips to asess the psychosocial needs of the Gazans.

On the first day there was a drone attack in front of the hospital. Maybe 10-15 m from where I was doing my rounds. There was a loud bang, flames and massive smoke. 2 mujahidin on a motor bike had been targeted by the drone. Both survived alhamdulillah altho one had to go to Ot. 2 other passers by were also sent to OT.13 kids who were around had to be treated for shrapnel wounds. Prof Hatta who had gone to A&E noted that the children were stoic and did not cry even though they were in obvious pain. Most treated as outpatients. This was during a supposed truce. Death is very near in Gaza.

We toured the areas of destruction and I found comparison with the Earthquate in Adapazari in Turkey where we had also been on a MERCY mission. Whole blocks were flattend. Olive groves were uprooted, schools, Universities, mosques were not spared. Parliament was destroyrd.Even UN schools,building were damaged.The Islamic Universtity of Gaza had two blocks that housed 75 labs totally destroyd. They ahd just acquired some DNA machines abt 3 million worth as they have quite bit of genetic disease in Palestine.These wrere destroyed. The dean of Medicine was an old friend from my days in Dublin. Holds an Irish passport but when asked to evacute by the Irish ambasador in Tel Aviv he refused.Indeed we were told that when the borders were opened Gazans came back instead of leaving for Egypt..” This is our land, we were born here and we will die here was what they said.”

The mosques in front of Shifa hospital was just a pile of rubble with a fruit carton written on it masjid Shifa. The new wing of the hospital had also been hit. This hospital had been taking the brunt of the casualties. They have a collection of gruesome slides of the victims, killed, maimed, kids adults, women.. At the height of the conflict they were taking in 200 patients an hour.

The homes of ordinary Gazans were also piles of rubble. Some had just been built. They had moved to relatives homes or had to erect temporrary shelters.one was just the black plastic sheeting It was winter and I was wrapped in 4 layers. I wonderd how they coped especially the kids. May Allah always protect them.

Everywhere we went were greeted very warmly that we were feeling guilty. We would be served good food altho I dont believe they themselves were taking as good as they were serving their guests. This was true Muslim Arab hospitality. In severe adversity , guests were still treated well. May Allah increase His bounty on them.

We heard stories of the mujahideen and the help that Alllah had sent them. Malaikat had come and fought with them. One mujahid had been blown up to pieces and the only piece of him left had a beautiful aroma that was smelt by all the villager who had come. They would be hiding and waiting for the enemy for days surviving only on water and dates. Tanks would blow up and their explosives still be intact. A mujahid heard a voice telling him to wait in his hiding place till he had a chance to strike the enemy,which he did. The enemy claimed that they had fought with ghosts and with people in white uniforms. The mujahideen did not wear white uniforms. May Allah always be with the steadfast.

The thing that struck us most was their spirit. Indeed they were carrying on as normal a life as they could. As much as the enemy wanted them to surrender and cower they stood firm and fought. For 23 days they were bombarded from sea,land and air and they were steadfast. The craters made by F 16 bombs were nearly two storeys high! The enemy with 500 tanks could not enter the cities except fight at the peripheries. In the 6 day war(1967) 3 Arab nations were defeated in 6 days! We were told that there were even weddings during the onslaught. Children were playing football and were trying to go to school. May Allah continue to be with them.

We met amazing people. A lady we met told us that after the enemy had bombed the mosques her 14 year old son would pray every prayer in the mosque for he wished to be syahid while worshipping Allah. She had told him that if he decided to become a mujahid himself he must tell her so as for her to make doa for him and not find out only when he was syahid. Prof Hatta/Ms Reem were offered bowls of soup by a refugee grandma who had her grandson syahid. She was sitting amongst a pile of rubble that had been her abode. After relating her story to them and crying a minute she offered the little food she had to them. May Allah alleviatee all their suffering!

Everytime we asked “what can we do for you?” The answer would be;

“Please do not stop making doa for us”.

They did not ask for money or food or anything material only that we do not stop beseeching Allah to help them in their struggle against a merciless enemy.

We met with persons who told us “We promise you three things:-

  1. We will defend this land

  2. We will liberate this land

  3. We will pray with you in Al Aqsa one day soon”

Medically the Drs are quite a lot. They however have not been able to leave Gaza for training and some of them had not been out for 10-12 years,.They thus need help in training. Equipment needs to be upgraded and new equipment added. InsyaAllah we have made these recommendations to MERCY Malaysia. There is also plan to build a rehab centre in south Gaza. There is a state of the art one in North Gaza that was damaged but still functioning. There is also plan to setup a MERCY Malaysia-Palestine psychosocial centre.

We were supposed to stay till the 4th February but were asked to evacuate as there was worry about increased bombings.There had been one near our lodgings the day after we arrived. On midnite of the 1st we received sms and calls from the embassy,and MERCY base camp Cairo for us to evacuate asap. We heard six bombs dropped by F16s near the house and the house shuddered with the explosions. We moved to the ground floor and evacuated the next day back to cairo.

We had few more meetings to attend and a few more things to do but fate was such that we had to leave. We could leave when things got hot but the Gazans cannot. As Mr Ging , UN officer in Gaza said , “There is no safe place in Gaza”.

Indeed, Death is close in Gaza or tis the shortest path to Jannah

I wish to record my gratitude to

  1. Our understanding families who had understood the need for us to go

  2. MERCY Malaysia for providing the opportunity

  3. The MERCY team in Cairo

  4. The Malaysia Embassy in Cairo who had been amazingly helpful in facilitating our entry into Gaza especially En Fauzi

  5. My extraordinary teammates, May Allah bless them all.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Flo & Kay - the autism twins

Saja nak share tv show tgk tonite... extraordinary people.. about 2 women ni nama Flo and Kay... both of them are twins..

What make them unique is that they both have autism(cacat di otak) and have a gift that Allah blessed them with a very extraordinary memory...

They can remember which date and time they last ate any food, they remember what happened in each day of their life, everything on their life, they will recall them effortlessly...

Then maybe you will ask, ok so what?

well, mereka ni ada rutin setiap hari, iaitu watching game show ni...everyday for 3o years..so they become very attach dengan pengacara game show tersebut...sampai la tetiba pengacara tersebut sakit, kene stroke.. maka dua beradik ni punyalah takut dan berharap sgt pengacara tu akan sihat kembali...

so what they did was, to go to the church and pray...mrk siap ada buat special tempat berdoa dlm rumah dgn gamba pengacara itu...

So, again, you might ask, so what?

It makes me think...subhanallah hebatNya Allah boleh bagi somebody very specialisedly gifted dengan kecacatan...tapi kesian duk fikir, mereka cacat otak, mrk mesti ikutje famili nya yang ajar ajaran kristian...and VERY religiously follow, masa mrk doa utk pengacara tu sangat bersungguh2...tapi dengan kecacatan mrk, it is out of their capability utk find the true religion...dan Allah itu Maha Adil...Allah will judge them pada hari pembalasan dengan sebenar-benar keadilan...

Kita pulak camana...Allah dah bagi otak cerdik (ye la, boleh berfikir waras tu, alhamdulillah cerdik dah)....Allah bagi a lot of tools to think, to do, to act.... tapi do we use all these tools wisely?? Jangan kita jadi cam org yahudi yang Allah bagi otak cerdik, cuba utk menipu Allah, dengan meletakkan bubu pada hari jumaat dan amik ikan hari Ahad...

Allah tahu...Allah Maha Hebat...kita hanya menipu diri sendiri sahaja...jadi gunakanlah otak dan akal tajam kita ini untuk berfikir dan mencari the truth, and if you see the truth stick to it...walaupun dasarnya nampak pahit...walaupun susah benar nak follow semuanya...walaupun rasa lagi best leh bengkok2 kan sket the truth ni....tetapi percayalah...penghujungnya, paradise for eternity...

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Tell me why...

kalu video atas tu tak jalan, sila klik sini

Cuba tengok at the end, a small girl tells her story, not able to play with the necklace and rings her mother bought her, to enjoy the sunglasses that her father gave her...a plight of a small girl...just like other small girls who wants to play, dont really understand what is happening...just like our little girls...

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Lagu rasmi Majlis Syura Muslimun (MSM) dan ISMA

Lagu MSM

Lagu MSM.mp3 - MSM

MSM ni apa? Leh klik disini utk maklumat lanjut.

Lagu ISMA pulak

Di cipta oleh Nazrey (ex-Raihan)

Isma ni apa? leh la klik disini utk maklumat lanjut.

ps: teringat pulak pernah pergi Eid Concert di Manchester (tahun 2005 kot), antara artis jemputan masa tu, kumpulan nasyid Raihan ni... ghope2nye, ramai peminat Raihan ni di UK, bukannya melayu tapi org2 pakistan.! yg lawak tu, anak2 depa siap leh nyanyi lagu raihan dlm bahse melayu..walaupun tak tau maknanya! Amazingkan?

Monday, 9 February 2009

For Gaza with love, a forum

I wonder, bila la pulak sheffield nak buat forum jemput penceramah best2 ni...

Jemput Ustaz maszlee, Dr. Asri, Ustz. Zaharuddin ke...

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Ibrah dari salji

Semalam aku mendengar tazkirah yang bagi ku sangat menyentuh hati... tazkirah yang membuka minda...tazkirah mengenai salji...

Minggu ini, satu UK dilanda salji lebat, yg ada sesetengah tempat tu, paling lebat sejak 15 tahun....aku juga memerhatikan salji-salji itu turun daripada langit...seperti turunnya bulu2 daripada awan...bergerak ke sana kemari dengan tiupan angin lembut...subhanallah..

Buat kita yang 'experience ' ketika salji itu turun...salji tu kecil sahaja, bagai titisan air, lemah...satu per satu kepulan salji itu turun ke bumi...namun, pada permulaannya, tiada beza, satu, dua, tiga kepulan salji...bumi seperti itu juga...salji2 tadi terus cair menyentuh permukaan bumi...nampaknya tiada beza...

Namun salji2 yg lain itu, terus bersemangat turun drp langit , dibawah arahan Tuhannya....walaupun mrk tahu yg salji2 yg pertama itu ramai terkorban, seakan2 tiada beza, tapi sebenarnya, salji2 yg terkorban itu telah berjaya menyejukkan bumi, demi utk sahabat2nya yg akan datang, meliputi dan menimbuni seluruh permukaan yg ada...

Setiap kepulan salji yg turun itu pula berbeza2...masing2 dengan karakter mereka, seperti rajah diatas.....namun tujuan mereka satu...untuk mengikut perintah Tuhannya...dengan itu beramai2, kepulan-kepulan salji menyerang satu UK, akibatnya, putih...putih merata, sekolah2 terpaksa ditutup kerana salji sgt lebat, trafik jalan raya tergendala dek gara-gara salji, berita BBC setiap hari menceritakan kerugian bisnes2 akibat kepulan2 salji, yang pada mulanya seakan2 tiada impak...

Begitulah juga dengan kita manusia...mungkin berseorangan kita lemah...tak mampu buat apa2...cuba bawa perubahan, tapi cam tiada hasilnya...namun si manusia itu tak patut berputus asa...kerna dia tahu dia hanya menyampaikan risalah Tuhannya....tak apalah dia berkorban...mungkin pada mulanya tidak nampak hasilnya... tapi pengorbanan nya itu sebenarnya telah menyediakan landasan untuk sahabat2nya yg lain meneruskan perjuangan dari Tuhannya....satu, demi satu, sahabat2 akan sedar dan berjuang....

Sahabat-sahabatnya itu mungkin tidak serupa dengannya, ada yang semulajadi ramahnya, ada yang pendiam, ada yang sangat ceria, ada yang kelihatan agak tak serasi dengannya...namun sahabat2 ini terus bersatu seperti salji diatas...perbezaan kecil diketepikan sahaja, kerna niatnya hanya satu, mengikut perintah Tuhannya...

Akhirnya....tergemparlah dunia itu...seluruh bumi merasa kehadiran manusia-manusia itu, tiada lagi yang dapat menolak kehadiran mereka...dan suatu hari seperti janji Tuhannya, risalah itu menang di muka bumi...dan terima kasih kepada manusia itu seperti kepulan salji, yg tidak pernah mengenal arti jemu dan terus terus berjuang....

Sesungguhnya pada pertukaran malam dan siang silih berganti dan pada segala yang dijadikan oleh Allah di langit dan di bumi, ada tanda-tanda (yang menunjukkan undang-undang dan peraturan Allah) kepada kaum yang mahu bertakwa. (Yunus : 6)
Jazakillah aiza, for the beautiful tazkirah...

ref 1

Friday, 6 February 2009

RGS - bergambar dengan rakan sekerja


Ni pulak Ustaz yusof bergambar ngan floor engineer dengan meriahnya...leh la tgk gamba dgn lagu dibawah ini... kenangan duk UK...

Luahan Rindu - Devotees

Sebelum memulakan kerja,kita sempat lagi berposing jap
Dari kiri :Abng Zul,Babul salam,Nasri dan Firdaus.

Bergambar bersama saiful,tak lama lagi dia akan balik mesia.
Dari kanan:Nasri,Saiful,Ana dan Firdaus

Kita satu geng kerja di notre dame school bermain snow.Wah!bestnya

Seronoknya tiga orang ni berposing

Hehehe lebatnya snow

Perjalanan ke tempat kerja ditemani snow-snow yang bercucuran

Berposing beramai-ramai

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Kenangan Snow di Sheffied 3/01/09

Abang Yusof posing depan halaman rumah

Model kita lagi...hehe

Tunjuk apa tu ustaz?

Seluruh Sheffield di liputi salji..... PUTIH...

Teratak 46 Broomwalk diliputi salji

Ahlan wa sahlan ke teratak kami, 46, Broomwalk

Ni rumah kami dari satu penjuru

Tu dia flat kami...namanya Broomwalk

Abang Yusof bergambar depan pintu masuk rumah

Kepada mrk yg belum pernah sampai ke rumah kami...jemputlah datang...

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Snow at Sheffield - Poster Photos

Gambar-gambar diatas tiada copyright...jika berkenan, boleh la download...