In Sheffield Telegraph today...
One dead and three injured in drive-by shooting
Published Date: 02 July 2009
ONE man was killed and three others injured with gunshots wounds after a drive-by shooting in a Sheffield suburb last night.
The dead man, who has not yet been named by police, was killed on Brunswick Street, Broomhall, shortly after 6.30pm.
South Yorkshire Police were alerted to the gunfire by shocked members of the public.
When officers arrived at the scene they discovered one man slumped on the ground.
He was declared dead at the scene while the three injured men were taken to the Northern General Hospital by ambulance. They are still in hospital this morning.
The crime scene and all surrounding streets were sealed off last night and remained out of bounds to members of the public this morning.
Police stood guard at the crime while officers flooded the surrounding streets looking for potential witnesses and trying to restore calm.
A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: "A number of cordons are in place around Brunswick Street and police ask public to co-operate with officers at the location.
"Detectives have begun a murder investigation so anyone with information is asked to call 0114 220 2020."
Dulu selalu gi rumah kawan yg sebelah umah dia berlaku shooting ni... dulu rumah kami satu jalan belakang jalan Brunswick ni...kene hati2 kawasan tu kalau berjalan2...
Bergaduh because of gangs rivalry...depa ni hidup dalam ketakutan dan rules of the jungle...nyawa begitu murah sekali...takde pedoman hidup...takleh imagine hidup dalam keadaan tu, alhamdulillah, Allah has chosen us to be muslim and with clear direction of life... kesian mrk yg masih dalam kegelapan...nak approach pun takutttt ...iskk
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
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