Alhamdulillah, here is my second journal paper entitled "Correlation between defect density and current leakage in InAs/GaAs quantum dot-in-well structures" published in Journal of Applied Physics. It is a paper in collaboration with the TEM people, Dr. Ana Sanchez from Spain and Dr. Richard Beanland from Warwick University. They did the TEM bits of the paper and me and John did the leakage current bit of the paper. I think it is a nice piece of work due to the relevance of this knowledge to both fields.
I think JAP is much faster than IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, however, John insisted that my third paper (in the making) to go to JQE again...malas nak argue dah, ikut dia la...dia kata sbb for engineers like us, it will have more credit to publish in the IEEE journal. (i personally think it is for his benefit, but, i dont really care at the moment, I just want to finish my phd...and if i need to publish 3 papers or more, be it....asal siap my phd ni...)
ps : saya dah pernah jumpa Richard ni, kurus dan tinggi orgnye...kami berurusan dah lama, dah dekat dua tahun, tapi baru jumpa face to face last month di conference kat sheffield ni..first time dia tgk saya, nampak terkejut gak la, mungkin terkejut sbb sy pakai tudung kot, or terkejut sbb sy nampak muda (ni ada unsur2 perasan sket, huhu)...
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
Kagumnya dgn tuan...semoga berjaya dunia akhirat..
terima kasih utk doa dari iqbal...moga iqbal berjaya di dunia juga, ameen...
Leh iqbal perkenal diri sket?
Salam taaruf,
Ana Muslim..
Good bllog post
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