Wednesday 2 July 2008


Family typeWeekly budgetBreakdown of expenditure
Single working age£157.84
Couple working age£240.61
Lone parent, one child£210.31
Lone parent, two children£282.66
Lone parent, three children£378.90
Couple, one child£286.45
Couple, two children£370.05
Couple, three children£465.71
Couple, four children£508.18
Single pensioner£136.60
Couple pensioner£201.49

Food and drink

Fuel (heating etc)

Personal goods and services




Household goods, services, council tax etc

*Note: Weekly budget does not include housing or childcare costs.

Taken from news in

So, erm cukup ke apa yang goverment bagi?

In a way, bagus gak, kalau ramai2 keje cleaner kat uk ni akan timbul perasaan humbleness didalam diri..

teringat lagi masa balik mesia hari tu lepas buat undergrad kat Cardiff, UK.. masa kat cardiff pernah keje cleaner utk tolong2 mak dan cari duit extra... bila balik UIA, tengok makcik2 indonesia menyapu, terasa aku dulu pernah cam tu gak.. and develop a bond with the cleaners there...

Jadi ada la pro and kontra nye... Allah dah bagi rezeki cukup untuk kita semua, inshaAllah..

Allah azza wa jalla berfirman (2: 212):
“And Allah provides ‘Rizq’ to whom he wishes without any account.”


antamuSlim said...

yeke? setahu saya kawan2 saya yg belajar kat UK smua kaya2 blake.. asik jalan2 je tgk.. lg2 yg duk pendalaman kat uk tu..

yg undergrad je kot.. yg postgrad mmg sy tau miskin2 je blake.

anyway.. great info

ana muslim said...

yeap... yg duk jalan2 tu, normally depa kerja cleaner gak (walaupun undergrad) tapi kalau pandai betul berjimat, leh je guna duit scholarship...

Yg postgrad nye normally cukup2 makan, so kalau nak jalan2 ke.. nak gi haji ke... kene la kerja2...