Assalamualaikum wr wbt pembaca2 sekalian...
dah lama benor tak update blog ni...bukan apa kat Malaysia ni, nak cari masa duk setengah jam depan komputer and update blog tak la semudah yg dijangka kan... cam hectic sket hidup di malaysia banding ngan di UK...di mesia ada adik bradik, mak ayah, sedara mara yg perlu di entertainkan...malam2 balik kerja dah penat sgt...penat bukan sbb kerja membanting tulang, tapi penat sbb travelling + jam ke tempat kerja...penat sbb mesia yg sgt panas skrg ni, huhu...kuar beberapa saat drp bilik beraircond dah berpeluh sakan (yeap, even worse for ibu mengandung, huhu)
so, mesti anda semua tertanya2, apasal pulak tajuk entry ni me, john and slavery? well, last week my supervisor (or should i say ex-supervisor) pakcik John datang ke malaysia utk urusan2 nya di sini...dlm trip nye tu, sempat la dia datang ke UIA utk berjumpa saya dan berbincang tentang paper2 yg patut di tulis dan juga memberi talk di UIA...
Alhamdulillah the talk was really enlightening, especially sbb sy skrg kene supervise masters student yg perlu membuat circuit utk SPADs...and i have no clue what to do...ala2 bidan terjun gak, lucklily, tu area pakcik john, jadi dia bagi lah kami sedikit tutorial mengenainya...
So, apa pulak ngan slavery? Huhuhu....well, masa nak pulang sy hantar dia ke LRT gombak...dan antara topik perbualan kami ialah mengenai slavery..tetiba je dia kata, can I ask you a question about Islam? Saya jawab sure...
dia pun kata ' You believe that the quran and the saying of the prophet muhammad is all true and there is no contradiction, right, you believe that?' Saya jawab yes, sure...pastu, dia kata, and you believe that what the prophet did was all true and right and everyone should follow, right?
Saya pun jawab, yes, but there are certain rules for the prophet that we, the followers cannot do, for example, marrying more than 4 at a time for the men...the exclusion is just for the prophet...Dia pun , ok yes...
Then he said' So Islam encourages slavery? because even the prophet has slaves before and he did not said that slavery is illegal and forbid slavery at that time? And many of muslims at that time and until now have slaves...surely Islam says slavery is OK?
(panjang lagi dia duk citer psl Islam and slavery ni, tapi sy tak berapa ingat nak tulis kat sini)... and I was just smiling while hearing him says things about Islam and slavery, sambil tahan diri tak jawab dulu, and dengar all what he has to say regarding the matter...
Then after he finishes, I said... well, Islam has never encourage slavery...its the that time, historically, it is a norm to have a slave, and Islam cannot just come and says hey all, slavery is prohibited...otherwise, it will cause some riots, therefore what Islam did, and the prophet did was to encourage freeing slaves...and I told him example of kafarah dosa, yang paling besar adalah memerdekakan hamba...and siapa2 yg memerdekan hamba dapat banyak dan besar sekali pahalanya...jadi muslim yg baik2 ni akan berusaha utk memerdekan hamba..
And thus rasulullah s.a.w pun memerdekan hambanya zaid dan mengambilnya menjadi anak angkat...betapa mulianya what rasulullah s.a.w have that is just shows how Islam deals with slavery and the process to eliminate slavery in this world..
Habis je perbualan dah sampai LRT berakhir lah topik tu disitu...saya doakan Allah membuka pintu hati supervisor saya tersebut...
Umur Khadijah RA
Berkenaan dengan usia Ummul Mukminin Khadijah رضي الله عنها ketika
berkahwin dengan Nabi صلى الله عليه وسلم, tidak ada hadis yang sahih yang
menyebutkan ...
1 week ago
interesting... luckily he found someone like you to answer this Q. kalau saya... mesti tak tahu jawab ie... to direct his thought towards the correct understanding of islam... conratulations and may Allah open up his heart to Islam. AMIN. LIn... jaga diri baik2... jgn penat2 sgt... :)
tak habis2 si john ni,tp iA awak pula akan jadi tok guru dia :) Semoga suatu hari nanti Allah kurniakan hidayah untuknya menerima islam, amin.
To Gie : alaa, awk saja rendah diri tu, I am sure kalau awk ditanya soalan yg sama, leh gak jawb ;-) hehe, inshaAllah, sy cuba tak penat sgt...masalahnye penat2 pun naik berat badan yg mendadak juge, huhu..Tlg doakan seme nanti selamat dan sempurna, ye?
To Yati : ameen ya Robb...sama2 kita doakan...i am waiting for that day :-)
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